A makeshift EEG lab

Say, you need to set up a makeshift EEG lab in an office? Easy-peasy—only, try to move the hardware as little as possible, especially laptops with dongles sticking out. The rest is a trail of snapshots devoid of captions, clutter, a sink and a shower room, as this is only an ancillary, temporary, extraordinary little lab, and all those staples are within reach in our mainstream lab (see Ledwidge et al., 2018).


Ledwidge, P., Foust, J., & Ramsey, A. (2018). Recommendations for developing an EEG laboratory at a primarily undergraduate institution. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 17(1), A10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6312138/

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