
How to end trial after timeout in jsPsych

I would like to ask for advice regarding a custom plugin for a serial reaction time task, that was created by @vekteo, and is available in Gorilla, where the code can be edited and tested. By default, trials are self-paced, but I would need them to time out after 2,000 ms. I am struggling to achieve this, and would be very grateful if someone could please advise me a bit.

Simultaneously sampling from two variables in jsPsych

I am using jsPsych to create an experiment and I am struggling to sample from two variables simultaneously. Specifically, in each trial, I would like to present a primeWord and a targetWord by randomly sampling each of them from its own variable. I have looked into several resources—such as sampling without replacement, custom sampling and position indices—but to no avail. I’m a beginner at this, so it’s possible that one of these resources was relevant (especially the last one, I think).